We have a little girl in our church that is 5 years old. She had a growth in her throat that had been increasing in size for the past several weeks. It had continued to grow to the point that her parents were very concerned. You could feel and see the growth under her chin. It was about the size of a ping pong ball. Her parents asked us to pray for her a week ago Sunday Night. This Sunday night the growth is about 95% smaller, and she is no longer having pain. To GOD BE THE GLORY!!!
As some of you may know, we are doing construction on the roof of the church. We received several bids from men in the community. We specifically prayed that God would give us direction in choosing the right man for the job. So far, we have been so happy with the work our contractor is doing. He has a great crew of men working for him.

Last week he came into my office to speak with me about a few things. During the conversation, he opened up about his life and the situation he finds himself in. Gage and I had prayer with him before he left for home. He was really touched.
Yesterday it was raining and “cold” for Belizean's. Early on in the day, our contractor started getting sick. He couldn’t eat all day and was speaking very little due to the pain in his throat. He asked Gage if we would pray for him before he went home. We prayed, and the Holy Ghost came by and touched his body. After being home an hour and a half, he was able to eat. He woke up this morning, “feeling like a buffalo.” He was so thankful and is giving glory to God for touching his body.

Another young man came in the office this morning, and in conversation asked if we would pray for him. He’s a 24-year-old young man who said he knows God put us in his path. He feels the need to make changes in his life when he comes to work here. While we were talking, the presence of God came into the room, and he started rubbing his arms saying, “I feel something right now.”
Please keep us and these men in your prayers as we strive to win them to God. I believe God would love to fill them with the Holy Ghost.
God bless,
Missionary Damon McKillop
Partner Information >> If you wish to partner, you can do so by sending donations through the following venues:
All checks payable to the Apostolic Pentecostal Church, PO Box 88, Presque Isle, Maine, 04769
“I AM Foundation” — Care of the Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Belize.
The WPF — Care of the Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Belize.
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